It’s only been a few months into 2022 and we have already seen major events return to their in-person days with the most notable examples: The Australian Open, the Winter Olympics, and the Super Bowl.
Despite “reopening anxiety” – a phrase that has become as common as “back to normal” – it seems the majority of people are eager for the option to attend and event planners are positive about this new direction. According to a recent survey by Northstar Meetings Group, a very promising 80% of event organizers and planners are moving forward with their first in-person events this year post-pandemic.
The massive resurgence of the event industry seems to be well underway, especially when looking at entertainment options and concerts like Coachella, which is set to return mid-April after a 2-year-long pause.
Even before announcing a “no vaccination, testing or masking requirement”, tickets for the event sold out in just 75 minutes.
The same is true for similar large musical events that went on to break records even when compared to pre-pandemic 2019 sales.
For now, it seems a “no vaccination or mask mandate” approach is rare, with most event organizers requesting either a completed vaccination record or proof of a negative test. Plus, mandatory masking in all indoor spaces.
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The information above is accurate at the time of sending. We advise you to check requirements often as they can change with little notice.